Radhanath Swami on Srila Prabhupada’s Vision

In 1970s while Srila Prabhupada was in America he said, “We have come to this place so far away from Sridham Mayapur.” By this statement Srila Prabhupäda showed the importance of Sridham Mayapur. Sridham Mayapur is the spiritual centre of the universe. Therefore of all places in the planet, Srila Prabhupada decided to make this… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Srila Prabhupada’s Vision

Lord Gauranga commences His mission right from His birth

Radhanath Swami Maharaj elucidates that one of the primary reasons for the Lord’s appearance was to establish the Yuga dharma of chanting the Lord’s holy names. And the Lord embarked on this mission even before His birth. When Lord Gauranga was to appear in this world, it was a total lunar eclipse & all the… Continue reading Lord Gauranga commences His mission right from His birth

Naming ceremony of Lord Caitanya

Radhanath Swami Maharaj describes that when Lord Caitanya appeared, the droughts ended. Rains and flowers of different seasons began to appear simultaneously. Considering all these auspicious signs, Nilamabar Chakravarti Thakur explained that the child was the nourisher & the maintainer of the entire creation. Hence He should be named Vishwambhar. Saci mata was thinking that… Continue reading Naming ceremony of Lord Caitanya

Descent of Lord Caitanya and His Associates

Quoting scriptures, Radhanath Swami Maharaj explains that when the Lord appears in the realm of this material world, He descends along with His eternal associates. The reason being neither the Lord nor His devotees can tolerate separation from each other. To prepare for His descent, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu sent His associates like Nilambar Chakravarti Thakur,… Continue reading Descent of Lord Caitanya and His Associates

Nimai Rests On Ananta Sesa

“One day Nimai was crawling he didn’t know how to walk yet. Such a wonderful thing! In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells “I am strength of strong, the intelligence of the intelligent.” He is source of everything. But for the pleasure of his devotees he assumes a role where he cannot walk. He is crawling… Continue reading Nimai Rests On Ananta Sesa

Nimai breaks everything at Home

Radhanath Swami describes how little Nimai used to perform pastimes of mischief in his childhood days: “One day Sachi Mata left the house and nobody was around, so little Nimai in the spirit of Gopal, no one was looking, he stood up and no one could see him. Then he ran over to a pot… Continue reading Nimai breaks everything at Home