Radhanath Swami on Fighting mass distraction

In this world, we have forgotten Krishna because we are endlessly distracted. A prominent professor at Princeton University said, “The problem with the world that we live in today is that everyone is being conquered by the weapons of mass distraction.” Maya is constantly conquering us birth after birth through distraction.And what is that distraction? She bewilders us making us think ‘I’m… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Fighting mass distraction

Radhanath Swami on Sambandha Jnana

The Madan Mohan deity is the sambandh deity. Sambandha means our relationship with Krishna. Lord Caitanya began His teachings to Sanatana Goswami with this simple principle – jivera swarupa hoya krishnera nitya dasa. We are not this body; we are the eternal soul. Qualitatively, we are non-different from Krishna, but quantitatively Krishna is the complete whole and we are just an infinitesimal part.… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Sambandha Jnana

Radhanath Swami On Radharani Is Pleased By Our Sincerity

HH Umapati Swami Maharajtold that, “when the devotees are offering these lamps, I am seeing something very very special. That during the offering of the lamp of all the devotees, Radharani’s smile is so special and sweet like no other time.” I said Maharaj you are seeing that because your lamp is a good lamp.… Continue reading Radhanath Swami On Radharani Is Pleased By Our Sincerity