Radhanath Swami on Cow Protection

Nanda Maharaj, Yashoda mayi and all the Vrajavasis unanimously accepted Krishna’s advice. They prepared mountains and lakes of bhoga. As brahmanas were performing fire sacrifices, Nanda Maharaj and the other cowherd men were serving the cows and making them happy. They were feeding the cows the freshest grass and nicely decorating them with gold, silver… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Cow Protection

Bhakta Vatsala Krishna

Among all the inconceivable potencies of Krishna, the most powerful one is His affection for His devotees, bhakta vatsalya. Vishvanath Chakravarti Thakura calls this quality of Krishna as the crest jewel of all the infinite good qualities He possesses. Krishna can fulfill limitless purposes through His pastimes. Through the Govardhan lila, Krishna showed how He… Continue reading Bhakta Vatsala Krishna

Radhanath Swami – Twin Arjuna trees

Yashoda mayi then went to perform her duties and Krishna began to plot to do something more mischievous. Krishna saw the Yamala Arjuna trees in the courtyard. These trees were ancient and gigantic with very deep roots. They were the two sons of Kuvera who were cursed by Narada. Sukadev Goswami explains that Manigriva and… Continue reading Radhanath Swami – Twin Arjuna trees

Damodar Lila – Radhanath Swami

Nanda maharaj had 9 lakh cows and Yashoda mayi had selected special cows which gave the best quality fragrant milk. She would churn butter from the yogurt made from the milk of these cows and feed her darling son Krishna. On the day of Diwali, she woke up early in the morning and personally began… Continue reading Damodar Lila – Radhanath Swami

Radhanath Swami on Krishna’s Mercy to Fruit Vendor

One day a fruit vendor came to Vrindavan. She was an uneducated tribal lady living in the forests. Little Gopal heard her selling fruits. He had seen His parents bartering grains for other goods. So He took a handful of grains and came running to the fruit vendor. As He was running, grains fell off… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Krishna’s Mercy to Fruit Vendor

Radhanath Swami on Krishna eating dirt

One day the gopas complained to mother Yashoda that they saw Krishna eating dirt in a secluded place. Yashoda became very worried and asked Krishna why He had eaten dirt. Krishna said, “I didn’t eat dirt. All of them are speaking lies.” Yashoda mayi said, “If you didn’t eat dirt, then let me look into… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Krishna eating dirt

Radhanath Swami on Butter thief

When Krishna learned how to walk, He started performing His butter stealing pastimes. These charming pastimes are so attractive that they can completely purify our consciousness. If we can some how or the other develop taste for hearing and speaking the pastimes of the Lord in the association of devotees, we can transcend all the… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Butter thief

Radhanath Swami on Trinavarta

When Krishna was about one year old, Kamsa sent the mystical whirlwind demon – Trinavarta. Krishna understood this. When God appears in this world, He does not have to perform any mystical practices to become God. He is always God. Even as a baby, He has all the powers of the Absolute Truth. To protect mother… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Trinavarta

Radhanath Swami on Name giving ceremony of Krishna

Vasudeva secretly called his family priest Garga Muni and requested him to perform the name giving ceremony of the two sons of Nanda Maharaj. Garga Muni came to Gokul and Nanda Maharaj happily received him. On being requested by Nanda Maharaj to perform the name giving ceremony, Garga Muni warned him, “If Kamsa comes to… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Name giving ceremony of Krishna

Radhanath Swami on Sakatasura

During the Vedic times, every aspect of a child’s life would be celebrated. Srila Prabhupada explains that in Vedic family life, children are not considered a burden. They are considered to be a gift of God. At various stages of their growth, purificatory ceremonies are performed. At the time of conception there is the Garbhadan… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Sakatasura