Radhanath Swami On The Opulence of Vrindavan

The culmination and the highest most inclusive level of love between the Lord and His devotees is manifested in Vrindavan. Lord Krishna descends from Goloka Vrindavan to this material world once in a day of Brahma. When He told about His plan, to come to this world, Radharani said, “I cannot live without You and I want to come with You.” Sita was… Continue reading Radhanath Swami On The Opulence of Vrindavan

Kalyanam of Shri Shri Radha and Krishna at Bhandirvata

One of the most prominent pastime places in Bhandirvan is the Bhandirvata Banyan tree. On a yatra to Bhandirvan in 1998, Radhanath Swami, sitting under the Bhandirvata tree, narrated the wonderful playful pastime of the marriage of Shri Shri Radha and Krishna from Srila Jiva Goswami’s Gopal Champu. When Krsna and Shrimati Radharani were children… Continue reading Kalyanam of Shri Shri Radha and Krishna at Bhandirvata

The Second Coronation at Govinda Kunda

Something beautiful happened after demigods headed by Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma and Lord Indra performed abhishek of Lord Krishna at Govinda Kunda. Here is Radhanath Swami’s narration: “Lord Brahma came to be the head priest. Lord Shiva came to give his blessings, and with the permission of Shiva and the direction of Brahma, it is… Continue reading The Second Coronation at Govinda Kunda