The Second Coronation at Govinda Kunda

Something beautiful happened after demigods headed by Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma and Lord Indra performed abhishek of Lord Krishna at Govinda Kunda. Here is Radhanath Swami’s narration: “Lord Brahma came to be the head priest. Lord Shiva came to give his blessings, and with the permission of Shiva and the direction of Brahma, it is… Continue reading The Second Coronation at Govinda Kunda

Krishna Lifting Govardhan

During the Vrindavan Yatra of 2008, Radhanath Swami gave a beautiful narration of Krishna lifting Govardhan Hill on the day of Diwali. Here are a few key philosophical points that Radhanath Swami covered during the lecture: 1)   After Indra’s attempt to destroy the Vrajavasis by sendi During the Vrindavan Yatra of 2008, Radhanath Swami gave… Continue reading Krishna Lifting Govardhan

An Instruction on the banks of Radha Kunda

During a lecture at Vrindavan in the winter of 2008, Radhanath Swami spoke about what happened on the banks of Radha Kunda several decades ago. Radhanath Swami said, “It was on the banks of Radha Kunda that Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur instructed Srila Prabhupada. He spoke about the Baag Bazar temple and how some… Continue reading An Instruction on the banks of Radha Kunda

Radhanath Swami on the importance of Govardhan Parikarama.

In the winter of 1999, during Vrindavan Yatra,  Radhanath Swami gave a lecture on how to perform the Govardhan parikrama. The following are some excerpts from that lecture. Performing parikarama of the sacred Govardhan hill is most auspicious because it is an offering of worship to Radha and Krishna. In the Srimad Bhagavatam it is… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on the importance of Govardhan Parikarama.

Nimai Rests On Ananta Sesa

“One day Nimai was crawling he didn’t know how to walk yet. Such a wonderful thing! In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells “I am strength of strong, the intelligence of the intelligent.” He is source of everything. But for the pleasure of his devotees he assumes a role where he cannot walk. He is crawling… Continue reading Nimai Rests On Ananta Sesa

Descent of Govardhan

According to Garg samhita, one day in Goloka Vrindavan Lord Krishna informed his eternal consort Srimati Radharani that she should now appear on earth as it was time for them to perform their pastimes within the material world. Radharani replied unless Vraja Dham, the Yamuna, and Govardhan Hill were present there, she would not be… Continue reading Descent of Govardhan